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Despite CookieHub's straightforward integration process, it's not uncommon to encounter issues when implementing it on a website or application. Fortunately, many of these issues can be resolved with a few simple steps. This troubleshooting guide aims to provide solutions to common problems that may arise during the implementation of CookieHub. We'll cover issues such as the cookie banner not displaying, consent not being registered, conflicts with other scripts, and more. So, if you're having trouble with CookieHub, read on for some potential solutions.

CookieHub notification and settings dialog

The cookie consent dialog does not appear on my website

  • Check if the CookieHub implementation script is added to the website and loaded correctly.
  • Check that the code is not blocked by any ad-blocker or security software.
  • If you are using a caching plugin or service, try clearing the cache and checking again.
  • Make sure that the code is exactly as shown in the Implementation tab of your CookieHub dashboard.
  • Ensure that no plugin or code is interfering with the CookieHub code. Performance improvement techniques that delay the loading of external JavaScript code, can break the CookieHub functionality and prevent the automatic cookie blocker from running before tracking scripts.
  • If you have implemented Content Security Policy (CSP) configurations on your website, it is possible that they are preventing CookieHub from being loaded. In this case, you will need to modify your CSP rules to allow the CookieHub code to be loaded.

Consent dialog isn't closed on consent

  • Check if the CookieHub implementation script is added to the website only once. Adding the script multiple times can cause the consent dialog to be shown repeatedly.
  • Check for any conflicting code that may be causing the issue.

The cookie consent dialog keeps reappearing even after the user has given consent

  • Make sure that you are using the the code on the same top level domain as created in the CookieHub dashboard
  • Check for any conflicting code that may be causing the issue.
  • Check if you have a cookie or ad blocker active in your browser, it may prevent CookieHub from setting cookies.

The cookie consent dialog is not styled correctly

  • Make sure that the code is exactly as shown in the Implementation tab of your CookieHub dashboard.
  • Ensure that the 8 character CookieHub code in the implementation code on your website matches the code shown in your CookieHub dashboard.
  • Your website's CSS may be conflicting with the default styles used by CookieHub.
  • We use caching methods for fast loading and performance. Widgets are cached on our edge servers for 2 minutes and in the client's browser cache for up to 24 hours. If changes are not visible after 2 minutes, try a hard refresh: Ctrl + F5 on Windows or Command + R on Mac.

Google Tag Manager

When implementing CookieHub using the Google Tag Manager template, some common problems may arise. Here are some solutions to these issues:

The cookie consent dialog does not appear on my website

  • Make sure you have published the changes to your Google Tag Manager container.
  • Don't configure any Additional Consent Checks for the CookieHub tag as that will prevent the tag from firing.
  • Check that Google Tag Manager and CookieHub is not blocked by any ad-blocker or security software.
  • If you are using a caching plugin or service, try clearing the cache and checking again.
  • Ensure that no plugin or code is interfering with the CookieHub code. Performance improvement techniques that delay the loading of external JavaScript code, can break the CookieHub functionality and prevent the automatic cookie blocker from running before tracking scripts.
  • If you have implemented Content Security Policy (CSP) configurations on your website, it is possible that they are preventing CookieHub from being loaded. In this case, you will need to modify your CSP rules to allow the CookieHub code to be loaded.

Tags marked with "Still running" in Google Tag Manager preview

  • The "Still running" status indicates that the user has not granted consent. In this case, information is still transmitted, but are anonymized. After the user consents, the tag should send another request, and the tag status should change to "Succeeded."

CookieHub tag is not firing

  • Make sure you have published the changes to your Google Tag Manager container.
  • Don't configure any Additional Consent Checks for the CookieHub tag as that will prevent the tag from firing.

Google tag is not firing

  • Don't configure any Additional Consent Checks for tags with built-in consent mode support.
  • Check if the Google tag has been configured correctly and that it's firing on the right triggers.
  • Ensure that the Google tag is not being blocked by any ad blockers or browser extensions.
  • Use the Google Tag Assistant extension to troubleshoot any issues with the Google tag.

Google tag is firing without consent

  • Make sure you have enabled consent mode in the CookieHub tag and the default consent for the analytics and marketing categories is set to 'Denied'.
  • When using consent mode, it's normal to see the tag being triggered in the Google Tag Manager preview dialog. It will however not collect any data until the user has consented.

Tag without built-in consent mode isn't firing

  • Verify that the tag has been configured correctly and that it's firing on the right triggers.

No content is shown in the dialog

  • If you can see the CookieHub dialog with no text it because you have configured a language in the CookieHub GTM template that hasn't been enabled in the dashboard. To fix this, either change the Language setting in the CookieHub GTM tag to "As configured in the CookieHub dashboard" or enable the language in the Settings tab for your domain in the CookieHub dashboard.


No cookies are shown in the cookie declaration

  • Check the latest scan result in the CookieHub dashboard for your domain. The scan may have failed to identify any cookies
  • Make sure you don't have any other cookie consent management platform active on the site as that will prevent the CookieHub scanners from identifying the cookies in use.

Cookies are being set prior to consent

  • Ensure that the CookieHub script has been implemented correctly on your website and that it is loading before any scripts that set cookies.
  • When CookieHub is implementing using the Google Tag Manager template, make sure that additional consent has been configured properly according to this guide: Additional consent
  • If you are using any scripts not supported by the automatic cookie blocker, you may need to manually adjust the html code: Conditional HTML tags
  • Confirm that the cookies have been categorized correctly in the CookieHub portal and that they are not marked as 'Hidden'.

Analytical data

Analytics data decreased after implementing

  • It is normal to see some decrease in analytical data since some users may not allow analytical cookies or may simply ignore the cookie consent banner. It's important to note that the drop in data is not necessarily a direct result of implementing CookieHub, but rather a consequence of increased awareness of data privacy and users' choices to limit data collection.
  • In certain scenarios, users may choose to ignore the banner and proceed to browse the website, resulting in a significant decrease in analytical data after implementing CookieHub. You can enable the 'Block user interface' feature to force the users to take action and that will usually result in less decrease in analytical data.

Analytics data doesn't match sessions reported by CookieHub

  • The number of sessions reported by CookieHub is based on the number of times the widget is loaded from your site, which may not be an accurate representation of the number of sessions reported by analytics services due to potential caching of the widget in the user's browser. Typically, one session should be detected for each unique user visiting the website each day.

Analytical data is not being collected prior to consent even with consent mode

  • Data collected by Google Analytics and Google Ads in anonymous mode, when using consent mode, is not available and does not count in reports. However, once the user has given their consent, consent mode can use the previously collected data to provide better details, and it can be useful for attributing conversions.